[Page Builder] - Design your webstore for first time [Reka kedai anda untuk pertama kali]
[Quick Setup] - Setup your SpriiCommerce admin for first time [Tetapkan admin SpriiCommerce anda untuk pertama kali]
[Quick Setup] - How to go to your backend and frontend website [Cara pergi ke tapak web hujung belakang dan hujung hadapan anda]
[Products] - Adding new single product [Menambah produk tunggal]
[Products] - Adding product with variants [Menambah produk dengan varian]
[Products] - How to import products into your backend & webstore [Cara mengimport produk ke backend & kedai web anda]
[Orders] - How to set auto-cancel for pending orders [Cara menetapkan pembatalan automatik untuk pesanan yang belum selesai]
[Orders] - Getting to know channel [Mengenal channel]
[Orders] - Remark, Invoice Remark and Note [Catatan, Catatan Invois, dan Nota]
[Navigation Menu] - Add item in footer [Menambah item di footer]
[Navigation Menu] - Add Products/Categories on navigation menu [Menambah Produk/Kategori di Navigation Menu]
[Navigation Menu] - Add item in header [Menambah item di header]
[Shipping Area] - Open checkout for global (overseas shipment) [Pembayaran terbuka untuk global(penghantaran ke luar negara)]
[Shipping Areas] - Add shipping areas for your webstore [Menambah kawasan penghantaran untuk kedai web anda
[Shipping Areas] - Add shipping method into your shipping area [Menambah kaedah penghantaran ke kawasan penghantaran]
[General] - System Settings [Tetapan Sistem]
[Payment Methods] - Integration with KiplePay [Integrasi dengan KiplePay]
[Payment Methods] - Integration with QlickNPay [Integrasi dengan QlickNPay]
Differences between Delete & Force Delete. And what are use of Trashed filter? [Perbezaan antara Delete & Force Delete. Apa penggunaan penapis Trashed?]
How to compress your image size [Cara memampatkan saiz gambar anda]
Differentiate Users Module & Customers Module [Membezakan Modul Pengguna & Modul Pelanggan]